True Blood Final Season: 10 Favourite Characters Who Could Die

2. Jason Stackhouse

The death of Jason Stackhouse is almost assured. From the beginning, he has been a character led by his passions. He is fearless, reckless, horny, and vain, but he has also shown himself to be brave, mostly dependable, and determined to protect those he loves. Jason€™s libido and addictive personality led him through the majority of the series, and as the sixth season closed he was seen buried in the naked body of his vampire love, Violet. After aiding in her liberation from the vampire camps, Violet claimed him as her own, a prospect that soon showed itself desirable for the lovelorn playboy. There is only one drawback: Violet believes in God and will not allow Jason to consummate their relationship until she feels it is appropriately due time. Due time, Jason knows, is a much different concept when one is immortal. Last seen at the church for mandatory Hep V screenings, Jason ended up with the others at Merlotte€™s social helping himself to a plate of barbeque. With the infected horde swarming around them in the shadows of the perimeter, Jason is in prime position to enter headlong into the final confrontation waiting ahead in season seven. By the time the end credits roll, Jason will most likely be counted among those casualties of the war. We predict Jason€™s death to come in the penultimate episode, leaving a pall of doom lingering for the grand finale. His death would serve as a final push for Sookie and company to succeed, whatever the cost, in the deciding battle. Heroically dying to protect his sister, Jason may get a chance to finally realize his latent fairy powers, but he will not survive to enjoy them. We can only hope his date with the grave only comes after due time has passed.
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David Wagner is an author/musician who splits his time between Oakland, CA and Istanbul, Turkey. David has published two novels, both available on his website, and as a fan of movies, comics, and genre television, he is happy to be working with WhatCulture as a regular contributor.