True Blood Final Season: 10 Favourite Characters Who Could Die

1. Lafayette Reynolds

The top pick for the fan favorite most likely to die was last seen at the close of season six beside the grill, noshing on the barbequed gator and dressed to kill. That scene tells us exactly what we need to know about Lafayette Reynolds, the flamboyant line cook cum Mexican demon possessed medium who has been a major character and fan favorite since season one. No stranger to the supernatural elements of Bon Temps, Lafayette is a damaged soul whose illegal activities have gotten him into countless predicaments while his loving heart has gotten him out. His closest relationships have with his cousin Tara and his deceased lover, Jesus, but he also thinks of Sookie and Jason as his family and took a beating from a werewolf to protect Sam and Emma. A constant source of comic relief and good advice, Lafayette is just too popular and vulnerable to survive the endgame. His emotions are the source of his power but they are also the source of his weakness, and our prediction is that it is these very emotions that will lead to his death. It will involve Tara, unfolding so she will live while he will not - this makes sense from a story point of view. Tara living with the loss of her cousin and most likely her mother, in the aftermath of the war and the beginning of her new eternal life, is much stronger story-wise that placing Lafayette in a similar position at the end. He has lost his mate, he has accepted his powers and learned to embrace the light where, in the early seasons, he hovered near the darkness. His character arc and emotional journey would pay off with a noble death in the service of his real and chosen family, putting his own demons to rest at long last. That wraps up our list of the fan favorites most likely to die in the final season of True Blood. Anyone we missed? Any picks for your own favorite character you expect to leave us in the upcoming months? We welcome your comments.
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David Wagner is an author/musician who splits his time between Oakland, CA and Istanbul, Turkey. David has published two novels, both available on his website, and as a fan of movies, comics, and genre television, he is happy to be working with WhatCulture as a regular contributor.