True Blood Final Season: 10 Favourite Characters Who Could Die

7. Pam Swynford De Beaufort

No one wants to say it, so we will. Pam will most likely die. Now things are getting serious. Pam is a major character, the beloved barbed and sassy assistant to the sheriff of Area 5, Eric Northman. Equal parts no-nonsense scary and endearingly loyal to those she loves, Pam €˜s death would shake the core of the group and certainly come at some important juncture in the final run. Taken from a turn-of-the-century brothel and turned into the living dead by Eric, Pam has accompanied her maker across the years, working as his business partner at the vampire club, Fangtasia, when she was first introduced back in season one. Most recently, she turned Tara into a vampire in order to save her life and subsequently began a romantic relationship with her progeny. The last we saw Pam she was in the shade of a tree brooding over Eric, missing since he flew away following the death of his sister, Nora, during the vampire camp raid. After a tense discussion with Tara, Pam leaves the orgiastic lawn party in search of her maker with no way of knowing that soon their collective power to walk in the sun would be gone. Pam is a perfect candidate to experience the true death. She is of central importance, directly tied into the major plot. However, she is expendable and of most use story-wise as another tragic death in the efforts of our heroes. The apprentice turned master, the student turned friend, Pam€™s character arc has peaked and only a sad, violent end awaits her. She appears to be primed to go toes up in Eric€™s arms, or at least looking into his eyes, making it into the final episodes but not making it out.
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David Wagner is an author/musician who splits his time between Oakland, CA and Istanbul, Turkey. David has published two novels, both available on his website, and as a fan of movies, comics, and genre television, he is happy to be working with WhatCulture as a regular contributor.