True Blood Final Season: 10 Favourite Characters Who Could Die

5. Sam Merlotte

Sam Merlotte may as well have a large fairy-blood bull€™s-eye on his chest: that is the chance he has of making it out of this show alive. Sam has had more than his share of naked adventures in the woods, rescuing a girlfriend as a fly, and saving other girlfriends as deer or dogs. Sam is a fan favourite not only for being the kind-hearted owner of Bon Temps most interesting bar and grill, but also for the darkness he holds in his psyche and the rotating group of women who come in and out of his life. In the six months between the death of Warlow and beginning of the end, Sam became the Mayor of Bon Temps and is preparing his town for the coming blood-streaked storm. He knows the government has abandoned them in their overwhelming struggle against the nationwide vampire problem. Calling for mandatory testing for Hep V in the community, Sam joins forces with Bill Compton to enforce a symbiotic pairing of one human and one vampire: for the protection of the human and the clean sustenance of the undead. This appears to be a decision ready to become a bad idea. Sam was last seen heading to the dance floor with his latest and pregnant girlfriend, Nicole, moments before the famished and deranged vampire horde crashes their party. Sam will most likely get out of this mess, shifting and scheming his way through the majority of the season, but one thing is for certain. Sam the shape shifter will most likely not be around to head off into that final episode€™s sunset.
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David Wagner is an author/musician who splits his time between Oakland, CA and Istanbul, Turkey. David has published two novels, both available on his website, and as a fan of movies, comics, and genre television, he is happy to be working with WhatCulture as a regular contributor.