True Detective Season 2: 10 Rumours You Need To Know
5. And Every Female, More Importantly
One of the few criticisms of True Detective's first season (and quite rightly) was how little time the show had for female characters. For a show principally about the evil that men do to women, there sure wasn't a lot of lady folk around to highlight said theme. Well, not live ones, anyway. There was Marty's long-suffering wife and his accumulated, worryingly young mistresses, Rust's brief attempt at a girlfriend, and that's about it. From the looks of it Pizzolatto heard these criticisms and took them on board when penning his second bunch of scripts, this time ensuring that this time the main characters will be a mix of men or women. Either two men and two women, or mostly women, depending on when you ask him. As such, we've got almost as many rumours about big-name women actors circling the parts as the male ones. Apparently Jessica Chastain, star of Mama and Zero Dark Thirty, was used as the prototype for the female character, meaning that her name was in the mix from the start. Since then we've heard a load of scuttlebutt about the likes of Cate Blanchett, Michelle Forbes of The Killing and - most recently - Elisabeth Moss, Mad Men's Peggy, being considered for the vaunted female roles. The latter of which we'd be very happy about, since Moss starred in one of favourite post-True Detective comedown shows, this year's Aussie drama Top Of The Lake. Again, we've no idea if any of these people will actually be on board (apparently Moss has now been replaced by Rachel McAdams anyway), and Pizzolatto says that "literally, not a single rumour about casting that has been printed anywhere has any truth to it whatsoever", so take all of this with a hearty pinch of salt.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at