Twin Peaks: The Return Premiere: 10 Callbacks And Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

8. Creamed Corn

Twin Peaks - Creamed Corn
CBS/New Line Cinema

We wouldn’t expect creamed corn to be many people’s standard menu choice when dining out, but sure enough, Dale Cooper’s evil doppelgänger (known as Mr. C) is spotted eating the pulped corn kernels at a local diner in the recent two-part premiere.

In the original series, the Log Lady poses a series of questions about the food substance: “Where does creamed corn figure into the workings of the universe? What really is creamed corn? Is it a symbol for something else?”

So while creamed corn - or in this case garmonbozia - might not feature on your weekly shopping list, it does prove to be popular in the original series and Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me, as the food of choice for demonic beings who inhabit The Black Lodge.

Yum. If that doesn't tempt you, nothing will.


Adele Ankers is a freelance writer by day and a bespectacled blogger by night, kind of like a superhero without the conceited cape. She is a self-confessed cinephile and the proud founder of her own perpetual movie marathon, comprised of genuine greats, forgotten oddities and everything in-between. All words are her own, including any use of emojis - which is the only other language that she is fluent in aside from English.