Twin Peaks: The Return Premiere: 10 Callbacks And Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

7. The Evolution of The Arm

Twin Peaks - The Evolution Of The Arm

For advanced Lynchians, the return to the Red Room was a triumphant treat in which we were rewarded for having paid attention to the dialogue in the original series. Specifically, the moment that Michael J. Anderson’s Man from Another Place (aka The Arm) tells Agent Cooper, “The next time you see me, it won’t be me.”

Boy, did he mean it… instead of shimmying onto our screen to a finger-snapping jazz tune, the former red-suited man has been replaced by a flesh-topped talking tree-creature, which is something we never knew we needed in our lives until now.

“I am the arm,” whispers the barren tree to Agent Cooper and one-armed Mike, crackling as electrical impulses pulsates through its branches, “and I sound like this.”

We’ll never look at a tree the same way again.


Adele Ankers is a freelance writer by day and a bespectacled blogger by night, kind of like a superhero without the conceited cape. She is a self-confessed cinephile and the proud founder of her own perpetual movie marathon, comprised of genuine greats, forgotten oddities and everything in-between. All words are her own, including any use of emojis - which is the only other language that she is fluent in aside from English.