Twin Peaks: The Return Premiere: 10 Callbacks And Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

5. White Horse in The Black Lodge

Twin Peaks - White Horse In The Black Lodge

As Agent Cooper wanders around the zebra-striped floor of The Black Lodge, a wind comes in and blows one of the many red velvet curtains open, and for a brief moment he sees a mystical white horse in the distance.

This isn’t the first time that we’ve seen the surreal stallion in the series; Sarah Palmer witnessed the figure in a hallucinatory visions before her niece Maddy Ferguson was brutally murdered and the night before her own daughter’s death.

It is believed that the white horse is used to symbolise death or impending danger in the series and, according to multiple theories, represents the “pale horse of death” – one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse from the Bible.

Phew, this turned dark really quick.


Adele Ankers is a freelance writer by day and a bespectacled blogger by night, kind of like a superhero without the conceited cape. She is a self-confessed cinephile and the proud founder of her own perpetual movie marathon, comprised of genuine greats, forgotten oddities and everything in-between. All words are her own, including any use of emojis - which is the only other language that she is fluent in aside from English.