Twin Peaks: The Return Premiere: 10 Callbacks And Easter Eggs You Might Have Missed

3. Renault Returns...

Twin Peaks - Renault Returns

In the original series, Jacques Renault, the second of the three Renault brothers, has multiple roles listed on his resumé: as well as being a bartender at The Roadhouse, he also works night shifts as a croupier at One Eyed Jack’s, a brothel and casino located across the Canadian border.

However, when his poker face is thoroughly blown out of the water, he is ambushed and arrested by local law enforcement on the charge of murdering Laura Palmer. Having been shot and wounded during his apprehension, he’s admitted to hospital, where Laura’s father Leland smothers him to death with a pillow in an act of cold-blooded revenge.

Though his original character is deceased, eagle-eyed fans might have spotted Olkewicz in a blink-and-you’ll-miss-it cameo appearance, tending to the bar as someone called Jean-Michel Renault, during the final scene of season three's premiere.

Could there be a secret fourth Renault brother? Watch this space…


Adele Ankers is a freelance writer by day and a bespectacled blogger by night, kind of like a superhero without the conceited cape. She is a self-confessed cinephile and the proud founder of her own perpetual movie marathon, comprised of genuine greats, forgotten oddities and everything in-between. All words are her own, including any use of emojis - which is the only other language that she is fluent in aside from English.