Umbrella Academy: 11 Biggest Questions After Season 2

6. What Will Become Of The Commission?

umbrella academy

In the first season, we were introduced to The Commission, a secret organisation of time-travelling assassins whose job is to look after the timeline. They were the main antagonists on the hunt for Five (Aiden Gallagher) then, and they were back again in season two under the leadership of The Handler (Kate Walsh).

By the time the dust settled after the climactic showdown, The Commission was left in a drastically different state. Five literally axed-off the board of directors and The Handler was taken out of commission by the sole surviving Swedish brother – not to mention the army of operatives that were wiped out by Vanya.

Before the siblings jumped back to the future after saving the world for a second time, we were told that The Commission would be electing a new board and that the incredibly wholesome Herb (Ken Hall) would be temporarily taking control of things until the company gets back on its feet.

An integral part of the show, we can expect The Commission to be back up and running at the start of the next season. But with the malign Handler out of the equation, what role will the company play now?


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.