Once Upon A Time: 10 Characters We Need To See In Season 4 (And Who Should Play Them)

9. Thor

Who They Are: No, not THAT Thor as played by Chris Hemsworth, although it might be somewhat interesting. Rather, the Thor of Norse mythology, who calls one of the Nine Worlds known as Asgard home. It stands to reason that there are more realms not explored by the Once cast, among them being Neverland, Oz and Wonderland. The finale promises a trip to a new realm in the final moments of tonight's season finale, so we could already be on our way to Asgard. It's unlikely, but you never know with these guys. Imagine a season devoted to introducing the Storybrooke gang to their first real super-hero, and seeing Thor become involved in the plights of Emma and the entire town. Thor would add an entirely new dynamic to the show, as they've yet to explore the concepts of gods and ancient mythology of this type. As the show goes on, it needs to continue the constant reinvention of its own rules and world in order to stay as fresh as possible. Who Should Play Them: Karlurban Karl Urban, best known for his role as Leonard McCoy in the rebooted Star Trek films, is a perfect choice for Thor. While he lacks the flowing mane of Hemsworth, he makes up for it with screen presence and the pure toughness factor. You'd absolutely be able to believe that Urban is this character, as he projects a certain brawny charm that would make the character pop. Not only that, but Urban sported some appropriate long hair in the film Pathfinder. While he doesn't quite have the same visual aesthetic that someone like Hemsworth has, it's clear that this is Once Upon a Time, and they have never, ever followed the rules. There's no doubt that if they were to bring in Thor, his whole look and back story would probably be drastically altered. Urban would definitely bring that chiseled, rugged look to the character, and make him a worthy addition to the Once pantheon.

Writer, game developer, intersectional feminist.