Voltron: Legendary Defender - 6 Things You Need To Know About Season 3

4. Shiro Is Still Missing...

Voltron Legendary Defender

He was instrumental in helping his fellow Paladins supercharge Voltron and defeat Zarkon at the end of Season 2, but went missing after the battle's conclusion. The trailer doesn't hint at where he might be, or if he's even coming back. Remarks from the team, though, indicate that, at least during the opening events of Season 3, Shiro is still MIA.

This could lead to a situation similar to the original Voltron cartoon, where Keith was promoted to leader and Princess Allura was given the opportunity to participate in battles directly by piloting one of the Lions. Allura has shown herself adept at tactics, directing the Paladins in battle and motivating to fulfill their potential. She also showed off some latent magical abilities at the end of Season 2, making her a more apt force on the battlefield.

We'll probably see Shiro back in the Black Lion soon, though, as his grit and determination have served him well over the course of the series. He survived capture by the Galra, battling in the slave arenas, and a head-to-head duel with Sendak. He's also Pidge's best bet for learning more about her kidnapped brother, a plot point which will no doubt resurface in Season 3.

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Former government stooge turned musician, photographer, and writer for-hire.