The Walking Dead: 10 Most Brutal Deaths To Date

2. Glenn

Appears In: Comic Cause Of Death: Bludgeoned to death by Negan Glenn is one of the biggest fan favorites of the franchise and appears in all three iterations. His happy-go-lucky attitude and youthful exuberance often serve as welcome comic relief and he is universally embraced by anyone who follows the series. Robert Kirkman was well aware of this fondness for Glenn and used this knowledge to commit one of the most abhorrent acts in recent media. In the 100th issue of the comic we are introduced to the sociopathic and potty-mouthed Negan, leader of his own group of survivors named The Saviours. Rick and his crew have an unfortunate run in with him and his men and Negan decides he is going to indiscriminately off one of them as retribution for the group killing some of his troops earlier in the issue. Why It's So Brutal After a cruel game of eeny-meeny-miney-mo, Negan lands on Glenn and proceeds to bash his skull into a pulp with his baby and weapon of choice, Lucille, a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire. The resulting imagery is something that has remained burned in the brains of fans worldwide and caused an uproar that has divided readers even today. Many chose to leave the series altogether believing it to be an exploitative act and a cheap shock tactic. It's hard to blame them when Glenn's eviscerated, eyeless skull is dedicated to an entire splash page with pain-staking attention to detail but regardless, it is a moment that stopped readers everywhere in their tracks.

Hamish Kearvell hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.