The Walking Dead: 11 Actors In Surprising Early Roles

9. Jon Bernthal (Shane Walsh) €“ Night At The Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian

He may have recently received a lot of positive attention for his role as Brad Bodnick in The Wolf Of Wall Street, but before Jon Bernthal ever donned the sheriff badge of Shane Walsh in The Walking Dead, he had a rather more humorously-slanted role as Al Capone in Night at the Museum: Battle Of The Smithsonian. Though this acting role alongside Ben Stiller is primarily comic, Jon Bernthal demonstrates flashes of the tenacity, grit and ruthlessness which would become key traits of Shane in The Walking Dead. In one section in particular where we see a hilarious argument between Bernthal€™s Al Capone, a museum-exhibition Napoleon Bonaparte and Ivan The Terrible over who the leader of the museum is, we see Bernthal€™s ability to become animated in an argument. Shane was quite clearly insane by the time he met his demise in the show, but fans would be lying if they claimed they didn€™t miss him a little. The physical strength and security he offered the group was very reassuring, and a clash between Shane and The Governor would have been a sight to behold. He may have been ruthless and uncompromising, but there can be no denying that Shane offered the group a sense of safety the more pragmatic leader, Rick. It would have been impossible to take Jon Bernthal so seriously if he had had the interesting facial hair style he adopted for Wolf Of Wall Street...

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.