The Walking Dead: 11 Actors In Surprising Early Roles

4. Michael Rooker (Merle Dixon) €“ Call Of Duty: Black Ops II

Merle was Daryl€™s scheming, brutal, racist bull of an older brother, most remembered as being the guy who cut off his own hand to escape a roof before replacing it with a knifeand subsequently becoming The Governor's right hand man. Before he came to an untimely end, he realised The Governor was perhaps the only man in Georgia more malevolent than him and that family €“ namely his relationship with Daryl €“ was what really mattered. Merle died valiantly trying to take out The Governor himself and was discovered as a walker by Daryl late in season three. Merle was always known as a badass and that carries over to his voice in Call Of Duty Black Ops II. Michael Rooker lends his voice to Mike Harper, the squad mate of main character David Mason. Looking at the character model of Mike Harper, the resemblance to Merle is undeniable €“ further investigation reveals that Harper was motion-captured and facial-captured by Michael Rooker. So in other words, Black Ops II basically gives you the chance to redeem Merle for his despicable actions in The Walking Dead by gunning down baddies €“ Merle's link with Mike Harper is even more evident in the Call of the Dead map in which the Lieutenant is up against zombies.

Hailing from South East London, Sam Heard is an aspiring writer and recent graduate from the University of Warwick. Sam's favourite things include energy drinks, late nights spent watching the UFC with his girlfriend and annihilating his friends at FIFA.