The Walking Dead: 25 Coolest Walkers So Far

21. Infected Walker

Another teaser for the fourth season, but a much more pivotal one, this infected walker proves to be the basis for the first major scare of the latest series: disease. The bloodied eyes are an unexpected addition to the standard walker we'd become so used to up to this point, and, after concentrating on human threat for so long, provided a shock reminder that there's a much bigger long term problem at hand. You could have chosen any of the infected walkers, from the first one we see pressed against the fence, to the recently deceased infected group member from which Hershel wrestles a respirator in order to save Glenn; incidentally, that's probably the greatest disregard of health and safety practice these eyes have ever seen.

20. Merle

Merle became one of the unexpected stars of the third season after his long-awaited return to the show. He continually flip-flopped between camps and caused major problems for both no matter which side he claimed to be on. But when he finally went after the Governor, he was cut down by the man himself, despite valiantly killing a good handful of his henchmen on the way. Daryl finding his zombified brother - man-flesh in mouth - provided the emotional climax of the season, as it not only showed the tender side of Daryl, but also that even the toughest characters in TWD are not safe from the fate which binds them all together. Plus, he still had his robo-knife arm, which automatically wins points for coolness.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.