The Walking Dead: 25 Coolest Walkers So Far

19. Wheelchair Walker

The inclusion of the wheelchair 'walker' is a great example of how the show thought of creative ways to show every form of the undead imaginable. You never tend to see zombie movies looking at the repercussions an outbreak could have on the less abled, but this is a terrifying window into that topic. As the Governor is searching for oxygen tanks for his new companions, he finds himself in a nursing home, and whilst walking down one of the corridors, a walker lurches for him from a wheelchair, but is unable reach thanks to being buckled into the chair. It eventually tips itself helplessly over, still clawing for the Governor as he walks away, leaving us all even more uneasy whenever any of the characters raid a building; there's almost no type of walker that can't reach for you.

18. Michonne's Pets

Michonne's pet walkers are undoubtedly one of the most iconic images of the show, particularly thanks to her dramatic arrival in the season two finale. Whilst the logistics of them camouflaging Michonne can sometimes seem a little implausible, it allowed us a closer look at a great deal of the undead, so that's most definitely acceptable. The very idea of disarming (excuse the pun) walkers by removing their teeth and arms is fascinating enough, but then you add the fact that these two in particular are the undead version of Michonne's former lover and companion provides an extremely dark side to her character, despite how many times she may smile about cats and hunt for comic books.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.