The Walking Dead: 4 Things "Consumed" Got Right (And 6 It Didn't)

2. Basically Nothing Happened Again

The writers of The Walking Dead aren't stupid. They know that pacing's one of their weak points, and they're trying to distract viewers from that by doing weird things like changing the focus of the show every week. And yet, despite the novelty of getting to see the characters split up and doing different things, that one sticking point remains: not a lot happens in this show. And, like the rest of the season before it, Consumed can only manage so long until you realise that an hour went by and not a whole lot happened. Sure, Carol and Daryl accomplished a lot. They walked really far. They struggled through two ambush situations with Noah. They killed a lot of zombies. They had a nap. Carol had a lot of meaningful flashbacks whilst looking out of windows. There was the bit on the bridge where she was almost overwhelmed. But that was all just farting about to kill time before the amazing climax, with Carol being taken. Everything before that was just window dressing. It's getting a bit wearying.

Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at