The Walking Dead Season 4: 10 Reasons To Be Concerned

3. I'm Hoping For Some Hope

Walking Hope This is an extension of the previous point, but by ignoring an investigation of the walkers and the world outside, the group has submitted to a story of endurance rather than a story of redemption. At this point in the series, the will to live has no more depth to it. Everyone wants to stay alive, but they don€™t have any real reason to do so. I'm concerned that the group has lost an objective that provides them and the audience with hope. I'm trying to figure out which characters are in a worse situation: those who die or those who live? These characters need something to live for, or else killing them off is going to lose its power to affect the characters and the audience. Give the characters a reason to stay alive each week and we might have a reason to watch. The characters are like walkers without some flesh on a stick to keep them going. They've lost all reason to fight; they need some hope for a sanctuary or solution. If there€™s no hope for the characters, then there€™s no hope for an audience.

I received my Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Film Studies with Highest Honours at Carleton University. I've got an obsession with fiction that I'd love to share with the world; I hope you'll join me while I discuss the greatest or latest films and television shows. You can follow me on Twitter @AdaptedInAction to keep up with my articles.