The Walking Dead Season 4 Finale: 7 Major Terminus Theories

1. There Be Cannibals

The go-to theory that most people seem to believe about Terminus is that it is home to cannibals, and perhaps even The Hunters from the comics, a surviving group who have turned to man-flesh for sustenance. Ahead of the finale, this was the strongest theory online thanks to the reveal of Mary's BBQ, and her intangible creepiness. The Hints This theory is easily the teased, given the amount of apparent available evidence. First there's the barbecue, which might as well have come with a gigantic siren, and featured Mary wearing an apron confessing her love of eating people. Then there's the irresistible, and unavoidable tongue-in-cheekness of the quote "the more people become a part of us, we get stronger," which again seems horribly obvious in the context of the cannibal storyline of the comics. And finally, there's the fact that Rick comes across remains that look suspiciously like they used to be people. What do you think Terminus is? Share your theories below in the comments thread.

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