WandaVision: 10 Insane Fan Theories You Need To Know

1. It Takes Place Inside An Infinity Stone

WandaVision Twins
Marvel Studios

There could be just about any explanation as to where exactly WandaVision will be set, with many believing it will be a dream or a reality fabricated by Wanda herself. This theory however, suggests that both Wanda and Vision will be living inside an infinity stone.

With the stones removed from the current MCU timeline, first by Thanos on The Garden, and second by Captain America returning them to where they came from, Wanda is one of the last fragments of the precious gems left. However, as the Ancient One states in Endgame, the stones make up our entire reality. If they were truly gone, the world would be incredibly different.

In the comics, the gems are drawn to each other, and there's no reason to think the stones from the MCU should be any different. If they have somehow reconstituted themselves, as they can never truly be gone, they may find themselves drawn to Wanda, possibly to protect her.

The stones that make up the MCU's entire reality are the most powerful things in the entire universe, and it's not outside the realms of possibility that one of them envelopes her, providing her with the safety net of a perfect family life with Vision. In the comics there have been entire worlds within the stones, such as the one Adam Warlock and Gamora lived in within the Soul Gem, which could inspire something similar on Disney+.

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Scarlet Witch MCU
Marvel Studios

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.