WandaVision: 5 MCU Characters We Could See

1. Mephisto

WandaVision Mephisto
Marvel Comics

The first two episodes of WandaVision have only begun to set up Phase Four (and beyond) of the MCU, but a key villain could already be in the works going forward.

Mephisto is one of the most powerful enemies of the Marvel heroes in the comics; he is essentially the Marvel Universe's answer to the Devil. Known for his ability to manipulate reality at will, Mephisto has faced off with many of the major heroes in the Marvel universe. His pocket universe is literally called Hell, which was his way of tormenting human souls.

In the House of M storyline, it is revealed that in creating her children, Scarlet Witch took soul fragments from Mephisto unknowingly - when he inevitably claimed them back, he essentially killed her twin sons. Wanda's memory of this was wiped by her mentor Agatha Harkness, but years later, Maximoff remembers and creates her own reality.

Wanda Maximoff's apparent pregnancy at the end of Episode Two of WandaVision could suggest that we will be seeing the devilish Mephisto arrive in the MCU following a similar story arc. As we know, WandaVision is drawing on a number of classic stories from the comic books, which surely includes the infamous House of M.

If Mephisto appears in any capacity during this series, it would cement him as a figure in the MCU and allow the potential for him to feature in later projects. He has had his own dealings with a certain Friendly Neighbourhood hero after all...

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A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.