WandaVision: Ranking The Show's Six Sitcom Eras

4. 1960s - Bewitched

WandaVision's second sixties themed episode was clearly inspired by Bewitched.

The plot, which had Wanda and Vision trying to gain favour with their new neighbours in Westview by performing in a local talent show, while also keeping their abilities a secret, mirrored many early Bewitched episodes in which Samantha had to hide her magic from Darren's mortal associates.

However, unlike in Bewitched, it was both Wanda and Vision who need to hide. Perhaps Vision even more so, as his true appearance could be perceived as unsettling.

Reflecting Wanda and Vision's more equal status in the show, it is actually Vision who causes a mishap when he swallows a piece of gum before the Talent Show, and it gets caught in his gears, making him appear drunk. However, in a happy twist, Wanda and Vision's act is the talk of the show.

While the sixties era and style of humour were perfectly captured, now, with the show released in its entirety, this episode is unfortunately less immediately memorable than the others. However, it is still a great achievement on its own.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.