WandaVision: Ranking The Show's Six Sitcom Eras

3. 1990s/2000s - Malcolm In The Middle

WandaVision's sixth episode, All-New Halloween Spooktacular, straddles two decades, taking elements from both the nineties and early 2000s. The episode's main sitcom inspiration was Malcolm in the Middle.

In WandaVision, Billy mostly filled the narrator's role, having the most opinions over the episode's events, although Tommy, viewing himself as the cool twin, made a few interjections to spice things up.

As was common in Malcolm in the Middle, nobody really notices the boys talking to the camera. Most of the episode was staged as a classic Holiday special, with the boys and their Uncle Pietro engaging in shenanigans while trick-or-treating.

The episode perfectly captured the zany, off-the-wall humour more common in the early 2000s, and with most of the real world drama occurring towards the end of the episode, when Wanda expands the Hex, there was less time for the sitcom world to be overshadowed.


Kristy Anderson hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.