Westworld Season 2: 12 Stupid Blunders That Completely Ruined It

8. It Peaked At Episode Four

Westworld Season 2 Ed Harris

The Riddle of the Sphinx was by far season two's best episode thanks to its interesting plot and clever visuals, as well the fascinating subplot about James Delos' quest for immortality. This did feel like a high point and suggested that season two might outdo season one, but immediately after this the season just got worse and worse.

As for episode eight, Kiksuya, which seems to be regarded as the best episode of season two, that was good but at the same time it felt like too much of a narrative tangent and added even more unnecessary bloat to an already chaotic season.

There wasn't a genuinely excellent episode following this one and the season seemed to get weaker and weaker as it went along. Kiksuya was a return to form, but only a temporary one and the last two episodes in particular were extremely underwhelming.

To be fair to Westworld season two, it did actually get off to an OK start, but the way in which it got worse as it went along was a fatal mistake.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.