What If...? - 25 Biggest WTF Moments

13. Scott Lang's Head

What If...? Guardians Of The Multiverse
Marvel Studios

The makeshift Avengers in a world now dominated by the undead were able to survive the zombie apocalypse mainly thanks to the strict rules they kept to.

Vision on the other hand, was able to survive because, as an android, he simply wasn’t affected by the virus, and had no flesh to bite into anyway. The Mind Stone that was embedded in his forehead also kept the zombies at bay, allowing him to exploit the gem in an attempt to find something of a cure to the virus.

This worked, as he was able to reverse the virus’ effect on Scott Lang, to a degree. In something like out of an episode of Futurama, Ant-Man’s head was revealed to still be alive in a jar. His body couldn’t be saved by Vision, but thanks to Doctor Strange’s cape, he was still mobile, and ended up as one of just three remaining Avengers as they made their way back to Wakanda.

Pretty much all Scott did as a head was made terrible dad jokes as a way of coping with the unspeakably traumatic events he had just lived through, which is more than understandable, really.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.