What If...? - 25 Biggest WTF Moments

12. A Giant Zombie

What If...? Guardians Of The Multiverse
Marvel Studios

The makeshift Avengers line up of Peter Parker, Okoye, Bucky, Sharon Carter, Hope van Dyne, Happy Hogan, and Kurt had been doing pretty well surviving through the zombie apocalypse. Their combined powers, under Okoye’s leadership, and Peter’s guide, allowed them to stay zombie free for a couple of weeks.

When Bruce Banner returned to Earth however, and the team made the journey to Camp Lehigh, everything started to go sour. First Happy was taken, then Sharon, who on her way out nicked Hope on the arm. She was done for, but she at least could help the rest of the team get to where they needed to go before transforming fully.

Hope turned giant to pick up her teammates and drop them to safety over the Camp’s fences before being taken down by a zombie army. However, before her inevitable fate, she never shrunk down again. This, of course, meant a giant zombie.

As Scott, Peter, and T’Challa flew away from Camp Lehigh, they were confronted with a zombie the size of a building. She was easily avoided as Black Panther hit the thrusters and flew away from her, but what a crushing final image for Scott to see as they made their escape.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.