What If? Marvel Zombies - 10 Things You Need To Know

8. They Ran Out Of Food

What If Marvel Zombies
Marvel Comics

Colonel America, who was the Zombiverse's version of Captain America, was one of the first people to be infected with the undead virus. After spreading it to his teammates, Earth's former mightiest heroes travelled across the globe to zombify or feed on as many people as possible. Although a couple of humans managed to hide away, Beast used Professor X's Cerebro machine to track them down.

Unfortunately, the zombies' assault was too effective. Within 24 hours, the zombies had eaten 99.99999% of humanity. Unable to satiate their hunger, the reanimated creatures devised ways to find a new source of food. Hank Pym considered farming the few survivors they found but the zombies found this strategy too slow to be effective.

Out of desperation, Reed used an interdimensional device to communicate with the neighbouring dimension - the Ultimate universe. After convincing Ultimate Reed to travel to the Zombiverse, the Fantastic Four (or the Frightful Four as they are known), travelled to his world, preparing to consume mankind all over again. Believing they could use the interdimensional device to open a gateway to infinite civilisations to devour, the Frightful Four assumed they would never grow hungry again.


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