What The BoJack Horseman Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

2. Amy Sedaris (Princess Carolyn)

Alison Brie Bojack

Amy Sedaris only plays one character on the show, but it’s famously the trickiest character. The writers love giving PC intricately rhyming tongue twisters about Hollywood (or Hollywoo), which Sedaris nails despite hating them so much.

Princess Carolyn is the glue which holds the whole show together, with each of the other four either being employed or represented by her at some point in the show’s run. Though she retains her work ethic, PC’s adoption of Ruthie has forced a positive change in her, and it’ll be interesting to see where everything finally lands for her.

One thing’s for sure, she’ll certainly land on her feet; cats always do.

As for Amy Sedaris herself, she and satirist brother David are both comedy legends. Amy is probably best known for Strangers With Candy, the cult comedy series from the turn of the century. Since then though, she’s had a Princess Carolyn-esque drive, earning a Gatling gun CV including Elf, Adventure Time, School Of Rick, Jennifer’s Body, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and so many more.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)