What The Boys' Cast Look Like In The Comics

9. Black Noir

The Boys
Dynamite Entertainment

In The Comics

Less a costume and more a full-body sock, Black Noir's superhero costume is head to toe black spandex, which should make him look hilarious, but instead adds something just a little creepy to the mysterious character.

The smartest thing about the choices made to create Black Noir is the ability to make the simplicity of his design somehow sinister, and this feeds pretty well into telling us all we need to know about him - in that he's seemingly unintentionally totally terrifying.

In The Show

Black Noir
Amazon Studios

Replacing the skintight bodysuit for a costume that lands somewhere between military-grade armor and something a little more perverted, the film version of Black Noir keep the one thing that makes the character, by making him look totally unsettling without revealing a single thing about him.

While the body padding does have a kind of silly action figure-esque feel to it, it does also come with tones of Batman, which is officially never a bad thing.

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The Boys
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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.