What The Boys' Cast Look Like In The Comics

8. The Frenchman

The Boys
Dynamite Entertainment

In The Comics

Bringing as much loveable continental banter and violence as the Hundred Years' War, The Frenchman conceals his volatility behind a casual smile and a pair of aviator's goggles that he constantly wears.

While the other members of The Boys tend to look deceptively normal, The Frenchman does look like someone whose backstory includes his father being killed by a baguette, and for that we should be forever thankful.

In The Show

Frenchie Frenchman The Boys
Amazon Studios

Trading the goggles and roughly 10 years off the character's age, Tomer Kapon maintains the unhinged madness that makes the character work so well. Notably, the television version of the Frenchman is also the character that is changed to begin wearing the most colour, which makes sense with his more jovial personality - and in making it look a little less like The Boys are actually just a group of goths.

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The Boys
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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.