What The Simpsons Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

3. Harry Shearer (<span Style="font-size: 15px;">Ned Flanders, Mr Burns & Principal Skinner)</span>

Nancy Cartwirght Bart Simpson

Additional Voices: Kent Brockman, Lenny Leonard, Dr Hibbert, Mr Burns, Waylon Smithers, Otto Mann, Reverend Lovejoy

Though he's yet to break 1000 characters the way Hank Azaria and Dan Castellanata have, Harry Shearer still has a huge chunk of Springfield in his catalogue, voicing over 900 Springfieldians.

So many of these are iconic, irreplaceable characters too.. it's no wonder Fox caved in to his demands for a raise in 2015. He quit, but was rather quickly rehired, saving them the monumental recasting job they would have had.

Of all of his voices, Burns and Smithers are probably the most interesting, as a great deal of their screen time is face to face. Not unlike Brian and Stewie in Family Guy (both voiced by Seth McFarlane), Shearer has to constantly switch his voice for table reads, often spending scenes just talking to himself.

Away from The Simpsons, his role in the cult classic This Is Spinal Tap make him one of the more recognisable faces in the main cast.

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