What The Simpsons Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

7. Pamela Hayden (Milhouse Van Houten)

Nancy Cartwirght Bart Simpson

Additional Voices: Jimbo Jones, Sarah Wiggum, Rod Flanders, Janey Powell

Pamela Hayden is the most prolific of the guest stars, appearing in 593 episodes of the show to date, a large proportion of which she owes to Milhouse. Bart’s blue haired lackey is a constant presence, and despite being paired with one of television’s most iconic characters ever, still manages to shine.

Rod is a fairly frequent character too, working in tandem with his brother Todd, voiced by a cast member further up the list. The goody goody brothers can be quite annoying, but that’s their whole thing, and has provided some great moments down the years.

Jimbo, much like Dolph previously, manages to stand out from the crowd, although Janey does somewhat get lost in the shuffle. You could say the same for Sarah Wiggum too, although she never really gets a chance.

All in all, it’s clear Hayden is a massively valuable part of the cast.

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The Simpsons
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