What The Simpsons Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

5. Yeardley Smith (Lisa Simpson)

Nancy Cartwirght Bart Simpson

Somewhat of an oddity amongst the central Simpsons cast members, Yeardley Smith only voices a single character on the show: Lisa.

Sure, there are a handful of background characters here and there, but for the most part it’s just Lisa. What’s stranger still, Smith’s real voice is pretty much just a dialled down Lisa. For 30 years she’s been reading out lines in her regular voice and pocketing millions.

Nice work if you can get it.

That’s not to discredit Smith’s role on the show though. Lisa is probably second only to Homer in terms of the range of her role, as well as the amount of heartfelt moments she gets.

Yes, it’s impressive that the likes of Dan Castellanata and Hank Azaria can do so many different voices, but Lisa’s (and therefore, Smith’s) ability to have so many different shades carries so many episodes. She’s able to be the voice of authority and a naive eight year old all at once, and that’s not a quality to be sniffed at.

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The Simpsons
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