What We Do In The Shadows - 10 Best Episodes So Far

5. Werewolf Feud

What We Do in the Shadows Witch's Hat
20th Television

For the most part the TV series has delved into its own weird storylines distinct from the movie it spun off from. But it couldn't help recreating one of the film's most entertaining threads: the ongoing feud between the ersatz-aristocratic vampires and the trashier werewolves.

It all starts in the show's typical idiosyncratically bizarre fashion with Laszlo enjoying his passion for "the art of bush manipulation". In this instance the double entendre is entirely appropriate as the British vamp's topiary work is largely focused on the lady garden. In fact, he's got hedge vulvas of Nadja (naturally), Nancy Reagan, a Victorian Whitechapel prostitute, and his own mother.

It's a werewolf "marking his territory" against the latter that is the prompt for breaking the vampire-werewolf truce, a long-held peace pact dating all the way back to 1993.

There's a lot of fun to be had with werewolf stereotypes, especially how inescapable their canine urges are. They might seem intimidating when it comes to a fight, but they can be easily distracted by a game of fetch.

Later episodes have seen the vampires tangle with supernatural creatures like ghosts and witches, but it's this first monster crossover that remains the most engaging.


Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies