What We Do In The Shadows - 10 Best Episodes So Far

4. Animal Control

What We Do in the Shadows Witch's Hat
20th Television

They maybe possessed of a vast array of unholy powers and abilities, but the Staten Island vampires are nevertheless staggeringly inept in a crisis. And that is clearly shown in this episode in which Laszlo is captured by the authorities.

Not the police or secret service, though. No, instead the undead monster is unceremoniously knocked out with a broom while in bat form and turned over to animal control. What follows is a comedy of errors as his housemates - bloodsucker, human, and whatever Colin Robinson is - repeatedly fail in their woeful efforts to rescue him.

Freeing what just turns out to be a regular bat leads to Guillermo getting bitten. In a good example of the running joke of Nandor's callous disregard for his long-suffering minion's safety, the vampire agrees that his familiar could well have caught rabies but is dismissive of that being at all important. Nandor himself has the brilliant plan of turning into a dog to infiltrate animal control with the predictable consequence of leaving him trapped in a cage as well.

As with the raccoon incident in the City Council episode, there's also strong comedy mileage in Laszlo's haphazard ability to communicate with animals as he tries to rally his fellow captives in a potential mutiny.

At least Laszlo proves a man of his word in freeing his feline accomplices once his wife finally comes to rescue him. All that leads to, though, is him getting attacked by a bunch of scratchy feral cats.


Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies