What We Do In The Shadows - Ranking Every Major Character Worst To Best

2. Laszlo Cravensworth

What We Do in the Shadows TV show
Disney Media Distribution

It's no coincidence that On the Run, an episode which Laszlo practically carries, is one of the funniest entries in the entire series. This smarmy, sex obsessed, topiary loving vampire is one of the best parts of What We Do in the Shadows, thanks in part to a great performance by Matt Berry.

Laszlo is a weird combination of a show off and a coward. This leads to many hairbrained schemes, almost always ending in his humiliation. He's famously stubborn, even keeping an obviously cursed hat despite the streak of bad luck it brings him, and loves to pick fights with the likes of werewolves and Jim the Vampire, though he hates to finish them.

Laszlo often instigates an episode's plot with his foolhardiness, so much of the show wouldn't even happen without him.

Despite his stupidity and seemingly carefree attitude, he genuinely loves Nadja. He even went so far as to decapitate Gregor, her human lover, in every one of Gregor's lifetimes just to be with her. Though not a conventional way to express one's love, it worked on Nadja.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.