Why Netflix Will Cancel The Punisher

1. The Disney Plus Effect

Disney Plus

Disney are entering the streaming wars next year with the launch of Disney Plus, their own service that will house their extensive back catalogue alongside a number of new series, including those based on Marvel characters. They've already admitted that Netflix is a direct competitor, and some Disney movies have even been pulled from Netflix ahead of the launch in late-2019.

Disney Plus isn't the only thing causing the cancellations - far from it, in fact, as we've seen through all the other things covered - but it's undoubtedly a factor. By continuing to make the Marvel shows, despite all the negative factors in play, Netflix would simply be helping to market for Disney. The Netflix shows were ostensibly a part of the MCU, and branded as such - to keep on producing them, then, would be to give Disney free marketing for the MCU, and in turn, Disney Plus, which will have its own Marvel shows that feature bigger characters actually connected to the movies.

Under the terms of their deal, it didn't seem to be working out for either Netflix or Disney. For the latter, just look at how much they basically ignored the Marvel shows (which also stems, in part, from the division between Marvel Studios and Marvel Television). Netflix are clearing house before Disney Plus launches, and understandably so as the shows come with big risks (high cost, driving people to Disney) and increasingly low rewards. It's not like these shows can go straight to Disney either, with reports that any shows they cancel have a clause preventing Disney from picking them up for two years.

It's likely the decision to cancel The Punisher has already been made. It's difficult for long-running shows to turn things around, and while it's only approaching Season 2, it's Season *12* of the Netflix Marvel Universe, which is a whole different proposition. Netflix have other plans for comic book shows, including a big deal with Mark Miller, and more recently they've been moving towards creators and talent - signing huge deals with the likes of Shonda Rhimes, Ryan Murphy, and the aforementioned one with Miller - that will build their own brand rather than relying on external IPs. Sadly, The Punisher will be another victim of that.

Do you think there's any hope for The Punisher? Will you be sad to see it cancelled? Let us know down in the comments.


NCTJ-qualified journalist. Most definitely not a racing driver. Drink too much tea; eat too much peanut butter; watch too much TV. Sadly only the latter paying off so far. A mix of wise-old man in a young man's body with a child-like wonder about him and a great otherworldly sensibility.