YOU Season 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

4. Candace Stone Is Really Dead

You Season 2 Candace

It's a bit sad that the woman on which last season's cliffhanger twist was built upon is now just another victim in Joe Goldberg's web of lies, deceit and murder.

That being said, Candace did not meet her demise at the hands of her ex-boyfriend - who spent the entire season worrying that she would turn him in and ultimately realised that he was a horrible boyfriend to her (ya think?!). No, she was quickly and unexpectedly slain by Joe's ultra-devoted love interest Love - who took the whole 'willing to do anything' aspect of love a little too far.

As Candace collapsed after having her throat cut with a bottle, Love saw to it that her body was moved. Granted, we never actually saw her get buried this time around, but after that significant blood loss (not-to-mention the brief shot of her body in Love's boot), it seems pretty certain that Candace won't be coming back this time. And that's a damn shame.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.