YOU Season 2: What Does The Ending Really Mean?

3. Love Is Also A Killer

You Season 2 Joe Will Love

It's pretty safe to say that viewers never thought they'd be watching a scenario play out in which Joe Goldberg was portrayed as the more sane character, but that's exactly what the show appeared to do in the season finale of YOU when Love tearfully proclaimed her love for him immediately after committing an unspeakable act.

With Candace's blood on her hands, Love revealed that she was a lot more broken than any of us ever expected, as she was the one who killed Forty's abusive babysitter all those years ago and, knowing that her parents would take care of it and he would get over it, made it appear as though he was the one that did it. On top of that, she revealed that she killed Delilah - unknowingly taking away the person that Joe saw as his one shot at redemption (as he had planned to let her out).

Joe now has the exact level of devotion he's always wanted and, due to the heinous circumstances, he doesn't know if he wants it anymore.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.