Young Justice: Outsiders - 5 Ups & 1 Down From The Midseason Finale

2. She Can Be Your Halo

Young Justice Outsiders Halo
DC Universe

One character who progressed dramatically this week was undoubtedly Halo/Violet Harper. The newcomer has been struggling to understand her powers and how she got them, while remaining adamant that her confirmed pre-death identity was not the person she actually was (sorry Gabrielle Daou). Though it took some time, she soon began to integrate into the team rather well, getting along with Artemis, Forager and fellow newcomer Brion. However, this week, we all finally got the answers we were waiting for.

Following Cyborg's merge with the Father Box, Halo began acting on instinct, opening a boom tube and cleansing the new hero of the alien technology's corruption on multiple occasions. This prompted a group discussion which eventually led the team to discover that Gabrielle had merged with the soul of the Mother Box, leaving us with the Violet Harper that we have today.

This led to some well-executed character development as the technological aspect of the Mother Box struggled to comprehend Violet's human feelings for Brion and, as a result, short-circuited. However, when pushed to her limits by another Cyborg/Father Box incident, she was finally able to iron out all the internal kinks and permanently cleanse him.

Halo is arguably the Outsider with the most potential and, now that we know the full extent of who she is and what she is capable of, she will undoubtedly become a force to be reckoned with as the show moves forward.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.