Young Justice: Outsiders - 5 Ups & 2 Downs From The Midseason Premiere

3. Beast Boy Steps Up

Young Justice Outsiders Beast Boy
DC Universe

Garfield Logan has played more of a reduced role this season, as the character turned his back on the superhero life only to become a major TV star. However, that was merely laying the groundwork, building towards a potential starring role for later in the season - something that became a reality in this week's returning episodes.

After falling victim to Granny Goodness' VR goggles in the midseason finale, Gar took a stand and announced that he was returning to the Justice League's covert team. However, after realising that the covert team couldn't allow him to inspire people in the way that he knew he could, he took centre stage on camera and defended metahumans - ultimately using his fame as a weapon against the hatred that Goodness was responsible for.

After playing a major role in Season 2, it was a little underwhelming to see Gar have so little to do this season (even though his mini promos were great), so it's great to finally see him back where he belongs. This time, however, he is playing the role that he was born to play.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.