Young Justice: Outsiders - 6 Ups & 2 Downs From The Season 3 Premiere


2. Lack Of Really Young Heroes

Young Justice Outsiders

While it's great to see the show maintaining focus on the protagonists, the one issue that arises from this is that the characters in question are no longer the youthful enthusiastic kids they once were. Of course, the culprit for this is the constant time jumps which have resulted in a seven year-gap between the first and third seasons - putting most the core heroes in their early twenties.

While they are by no means old and should absolutely remain on the show, they have matured into strong well-developed heroes more than capable of leading their own teams (as seen by Aqualad's promotion). So, in effect, we have missed a lot of their, for lack of a better term, "rookie" years - which was one of the main elements that the first season thrived on.

Of course, there are the less-tenured recruits who filled this role well in Season 2, but as the first few episodes of the new season focused primarily on three of the original team members, there was literally no time left for the younger sidekicks like Robin 2.0., Wonder Girl or Kid Flash 2.0.

This isn't a criticism of Young Justice: Outsiders itself, but one directed more at the premiere episodes, as the show will undoubtedly feature these characters a lot more down the line. That said, it would have been nice to see the premiere highlight more of that youthful energy that made the show so endearing in the first place.


Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.