10 Doctor Who Stars You Didn’t Know Were In HUGE Movies

6. Paul McGann (Empire Of The Sun)

Doctor Who Jo Martin Batman Begins
Warner Bros. Pictures

Say what you like about Chris Chibnall, but at least he opened the door for more Paul McGann appearances in Doctor Who going forward!

Despite not appearing in the show all that much, McGann has had a long and fruitful acting career outside Doctor Who.

On top of his outstanding performance in the classic Withnail and I (and his regrettable turn in Lesbian Vampire Killers), McGann also made a very understated appearance in Steven Spielberg's 1987 movie Empire of the Sun.

Set in World War II, the film stars Christian Bale as a young boy living in a prisoner of war camp under Japanese rule. It's part coming of age, part military epic. Think of it as Saving Private Ryan crossed with E.T.

McGann plays a soldier by the name of Lieutenant Price towards the end of the movie, in such a minor role that he's very easy to miss.

Empire of the Sun also features a young Ben Stiller, so there was quite a lot of star power here just waiting to break out.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.