10 MORE Times Doctor Who Appeared In Other TV Shows

7. Queer As Folk

Good Omens 2 David Tennant Doctor Who Matt Smith fez
Channel 4/BBC

Anyone who's heard of the cult classic '90s series Queer as Folk won't be surprised that it contains nods to Doctor Who, as it was the brainchild of future showrunner and the great resurrector, Russell T Davies.

Starring Aiden Gillen, Craig Kelly, and Charlie Hunnam as three gay men living in Manchester, the show explored the city's queer scene and, while hardly a ratings juggernaut at the time, it is now considered somewhat of a forerunner of modern LGBTQ+ TV.

Vince Tyler – the character played by Kelly – not only shares his surname with a future Davies-era companion, but he's also a giant Doctor Who nerd. Projecting much there, Russell?

He makes numerous references to the show throughout Queer as Folk, including getting his long-suffering friend Stuart to name all the Doctor actors in order. Except Paul McGann, who apparently "doesn't count".

Justice for McGann!

The best piece of Doctor Who lore in the show is in episode 7, where Vince receives a replica of K-9 for his birthday. In real life though, this was no replica, as Davies confirmed that it was in fact an actual K-9 prop formerly used on the show!

God bless you, RTD.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.