10 Scapegoats For RUBBISH WWE Ideas

8. Seth Rollins Suffers Post-HIAC Booing

Seth Rollins All Your Fault

One Seth Rollins has been very candid about his thoughts on the Hell In A Cell 2019 clanger he worked vs. Bray Wyatt's 'Fiend' alter ego. The current World Heavyweight Champ has always maintained that he was hung out to dry by the bout's dreadful non-finish, and called himself "dead in the water" creatively as soon as it happened.

That's fair.

WWE's decision to script a stoppage inside the Cell was terrible. It was rightly booed by fans, and felt like a total cop out at the time. Almost overnight, Rollins went from being a credible workhorse babyface people loved to someone they viewed akin to Roman Reigns circa 2016.

Seth's plight showed that creative didn't have a clue how to book faces at the time. The writing team seemed intent on making babyfaces as unlikeable as possible, which was a real problem. Of course, blame was pinned on Rollins, and he wasn't too chuffed about that.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.