10 Scapegoats For RUBBISH WWE Ideas

6. Baron Corbin Blamed For Raw Being Crap

Seth Rollins All Your Fault

This segment was one of WWE's most preposterous.

Live on the 17 December 2018 episode of Raw, Vince McMahon, his son Shane, his daughter Stephanie and his son-in-law Triple H apologised for a woeful flagship product that year. That seemed out of character, but it wasn't long before the skit's true intentions were revealed to the world.

Then-acting GM Baron Corbin was brought out and directly blamed for sagging ratings during his tenure. It was a quite-ridiculous lack of self-awareness from the company's power base. They'd acknowledged that Raw had been crap, but then shifted blame onto an on-screen character who only did as he was told and held no real sway anyway (something fans knew).

Being brutally honest, having the McMahons and Trips talk about how rubbish Raw had been was bad enough. Surely any energy put into scripting this segment could've gone on improving the product instead? What a radical concept that is.

Or not.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.