10 Scapegoats For RUBBISH WWE Ideas

4. Goldberg “Doesn’t Know How To Work”

Seth Rollins All Your Fault

Vince McMahon always believed he could book WCW stars better than WCW. Reportedly, the then-boss told lieutenants he'd show those dafties down in Atlanta how to utilise a giant properly upon signing Big Show in 1999. That same arrogance hampered Bill Goldberg's run when he eventually signed on the dotted line with the fed in 2003.

WWE thought Goldberg running through everyone in squash matches was too limiting. Fair enough, but the way they went about putting him in lengthier bouts and giving Bill "more personality" was frankly naff. Remember that Goldust wig angle? How about putting the squash artist out there for 14 minutes with The Rock at Backlash when everyone just fancied seeing a spear-into-Jackhammer combo?

This thinking was ill-fated, and that's being kind.

WWE lifers like Bruce Prichard would claim that Bill just didn't know how to work. Goldberg was directly criticised upon leaving in 2004 - it was all his fault. WWE weren't willing to accept any responsibility for a tamer-than-expected 12 month run.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.