10 Scapegoats For RUBBISH WWE Ideas

3. Buff Bagwell = WCW’s Collateral

Seth Rollins All Your Fault

At least Goldberg rescued things with an unexpected second stab at WWE. Poor Buff Bagwell didn't get that chance, probs because the knives were out for 'The Stuff' as soon as he leapt over from the sinking WCW ship in 2001. Let's be clear about one thing: The WWF did Bagwell no favours.

Was he insufferable behind the scenes? Hell, probably. Did he have long-term viability on a roster full of top names? Maybe not, but it was foolish to plop him in a WCW-branded main event on Raw that hardcore WWF fans didn't want to see. Buff and Booker T didn't have a prayer of making that work.

No, the match wasn't great, but it certainly wasn't horrible enough to tank someone's entire career. Looking back, Bagwell was collateral damage following the bout. Someone had to take the hit. It wasn't going to be the WWF, and they'd already been charmed by Booker T.

So, Buff was cast aside pronto.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.