10 Scapegoats For RUBBISH WWE Ideas

2. Terry Taylor “Didn’t Embrace” Red Rooster

Seth Rollins All Your Fault

Bruce Prichard has gone on record via his 'Something To Wrestle With' podcast to say that Terry Taylor could've done more to make the cartoonish 'Red Rooster' gimmick fly in the late-1980s. According to Bruce, that character was every bit as viable as something like Curt Hennig's 'Mr. Perfect' persona.

Sulking Terry just didn't embrace it.

Right, maybe Taylor didn't like the idea. That's likely true, but...claiming he could've made more of it had he only been all in is a stretch. The concept sucked from the off, and no amount of grin-and-bear-it positivity from Terry was going to stop fans from laughing at the Rooster.

Taylor was instructed to spike some dyed red hair up, strut around the ring and cock-a-doodle-doo at opponents. Yes, 80s WWF was a cartoon wonderland, but the character was a real struggle immediately. Red Rooster vs. Hulk Hogan was hardly going on the marquee, was it?

Score another one for the scapegoats.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.